On May 23rd, 2014, took place the 6th annual meeting of the Catalan Societies of Clinical Neurophysiology and EMG in Charles Darwin hall of Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB).
The program included 3 lectures presented by specialists with large experience on the field of miopathies, intracranial EEG and functional MRI.
-Actualitzacions en Miopaties, Montse Olivé
-Electroencefalografia intracranial estereotaxica (SEEG) Bases, Indicacions i Rendiment. Gerard Conesa, Rodrigo Rocamora i Alessandro Principe
-Aspectes fisiològics de la Ressonància Magnetica Funcional, Jesus Pujol i Joan Deus
5 oral communications and 3 posters written by CN young specialists and resident physicians completed the evening program (here).
Dra Montse Olivé
Dr Rodrigo Rocamora
Dr Alessandro Principe
Local Committee